About Lori Stresman

Lori Stresman


Lori Stresman

It is my pleasure to provide a professional certified Reflexology service at Therapeutic Healing Arts!

Reflexology is a focused pressure technique directed at the feet & is based on the premise that there are zones & reflexes on different parts of the body which correspond to and are relative to all parts, glands and organs of the entire body.

When the reflexes are stimulated, the body’s natural electrical energy works along the nervous system to clear any energies in the corresponding zones. Manipulating specific reflexes removes stress, activating a parasympathetic response clearing & releasing a physiological change in the body. With stress removed and circulation enhanced, the body is allowed to return to a state of homeostasis which is the automatic process that the body incorporates to bring it back to the “normal” state.

The benefits of Reflexology are: relaxation with the removal of stress, enhanced circulation, assists the body to normalize the metabolism naturally and compliments all other healing modalities. General or specific stress (more than 80%) of North American disease can be related to stress) Stress can affect all reflexes.

Some experiences of Reflexology with Lori are: “Reflexology with Lori absolutely settles my central nervous system” Retired Business Woman.

“Reflexology with Lori. Mental Health: should be an essential service” Gentleman in Sports Industry.

“It’s like your playing the piano in tune with your instrument. Very deep & thorough; Lori is very energetic & connected” Manager Trucking Company.

“I haven’t been this relaxed since the last time I was here” Doctor.

“It takes the mental stress away. I feel so relaxed” Police Officer.

“Your Reflexology, Lori, was Bang On with what I needed” Military.

“After Reflexology with Lori, I can still feel the energy working days later” Perth Business Owner.